(Re)-Fashioning Masculinities #MeToo in the Arts 20/20 DEFSA Design Vision 2022 Global call excelence About Alberta Whittle Alex Kokoli Ama Josephine Budge Johnstone RA Andrew Hennlich Anneli Bowie Archival Addresses: Photographies, Practices, Positionalities Ashraf Jamal Bio Art – Creative Microbiology Research Co-Lab bio art – vice chancellor formal address _prof mpedi Black Chronicles IV Black Critique Black Critique_feedback session Black Lives Matter and the Moment of the Now black photo libraries Brenton Maart Brenton Maart RA By the Rivers of Birminam Candice Jansen Carlos Garrido Castellano Cheryl Finley Christine Checinska Cities in Crisis: Photographs of the South African Urban Landscape Collaborations/Articulations Contact Conversation between Minette Vari and Alexander Opper – Video Conversation between Tabita Rezaire and John Peffer – Video Conversation with curators and Ayana V Jackson- Video Conversation with Karin Preller – Video Conversation with Michelle Monareng – Video Conversation with Shona Hunter – Video copy Copy of the Lesser Violence Reading Group ’19 Couze Venn Critical Addresses: The Archive-in-practice Curatorial Care, Humanising Practices Curators_Lesser Violence ’20 Damien Tomaselli Deaccessioning Collections Dean Hutton RA VIAD Dear Fusia Deborah Thomas Dec 2022 Alberta Whittle Dis-location/ Re-location Edouard Duval-Carrie erased bodies Erica Moiah James Erin Haney Facilitators_Lesser Violence ’20 FADA Staff Exhibition 2009 Fiona Siegenthaler Geri Augusto ghosted matter phantom hurt (and other chimera) Home Home (Copy) Hypersampling Identities Hypersampling Identities Catalogue Imaging Ourselves Inhabiting the Frame: Documentary & Subjectivity in the Anti|Post|Colonial Visual Archive Intimate Archives // Autobiographical Acts Intimate Presences Affective Absences (or, the snake within) Intimate Presences Panel Discussion intimate presences/affective absences (or, the snake within) intimate presences/affective absences_panel discussion intimate presences/affective absences_video Intra-actions #2 The World After Us Intra-actions #3 An infectious feeling Ama Josephine B. Johnstone and Eric Gyamfi JAG Consultations Jennifer Bajorek Johannesburg and Megacity Phenomena John Edwin Mason Juan Orrantia Kimberly Lamm Leora Farber Leora Farber 2020/2021 Leora’s discussion Lesser Violence ’20_Session 1 Lesser Violence ’20_Session 2 Lesser Violence ’20_Session 3 Lesser Violence ’20_Session 4 Lesser Violence ’20_Session 5 Lichtenberg Flower and Medusa Liminality Lucy Strauss Luvuyo Dondolo M. Neelika Jayawardane Mabel Wilson Mailing list signup Mario Gooden Michael McMillan Miliswa Ndziba Miliswa Ndziba RA Muhammad Hobe Museums for whom, Museums for what? Museums for Whom, Museums for What?- Video Nadine Botha Nadine Botha RA Natasha Himmelman Nathaniel Stern Nathaniel Stern RA Nelisiwe Xaba Nelisiwe Xaba – vRot performance Nelisiwe Xaba RA New museums, new horizons? Nolan Oswald Dennis Nolan Oswald Dennis 1 Nothing is Missing On Making Past Imperfect // Future Present Past Imperfect Future Present Photography, Power & the Ethics of Representation Photography, Power & the Ethics of Representation_Media usage Pointure Practice led research writing Roundtable Press release- deep dive Priya Ramrakha | A Pan African Perspective Priya Ramrakha | A Pan-African Perspective, 1950-1968 Prof Anthony Bogues Prof Sinha_video presentation Promises & Lies Promises & Lies | The ANC, Exile & the Project of Freedom Publications RA – Gontse Mathabathe RA – Lochlann Jain RA – Machel Bogues RA – Senzeni Marasela RA – Sule Ameh James RA – Will Johnson Reflections on documenta 15 Renée Mussai Repatriation, a question for us? Representation & Spacial Practices in Urban South Africa Research manager Vacancy Researchers Researchers 1 Saarah Jappie Session 1 Bios Session 1_Photography Power & Ethics Session 1_Photography Power & Ethics (Copy) Session 2 Bios Session 2_Photography Power & Ethics Session 3 Bios Session 3_Photography, Power & the Ethics of Representation Sipho Mdanda Sojourner Project SP/SA | Catastrophe :: Cartography SP/SA | Frequencies of Blackness SP/SA | Sovereignty Space, Ritual, Absence Special Editions and Supplements Standing Items Stories Strange Cargo: essays of art Surafel Wondimu Abebe SYM | BIO | ART – INTRA-ACTIONS #1 – Panel discussion The Arrivants The Art of Refusal in Troubled Times The Double Body// being in space The Front Room ‘Inna Jo’burg’ The Front Room ‘Inna Joburg’ The Imagined New ’21 The Imagined New ’21 copy The Imagined New (Copy) the Imagined New Volume 1 the Lesser Violence Reading Group ’18 the Lesser Violence Reading Group ’19 the Lesser Violence Reading Group ’20 The Marvellous Real The Practising Refusal Collective The Sojourner Project The Sojourner Project South Africa The Underground, the Surface and the Edges TIME’S ARROW: Live Readings of the JAG Collection Tivoli Stories Tobias Barnard Too Close for Comfort: Belonging and Displacement in the work of South African Video Artists VIAD 2021 Newsletter (Copy) VIAD Mailing List Wendy Gers Whitewash I Women’s Mobile Museum Xylan De Jager
The Visual Identities in Art and Design Research Centre (VIAD) is housed within the University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA). VIAD supports an international community of Visiting Professors, Research Associates, Affiliated Researchers and Postdoctoral Fellows, whose diverse research projects promote critical thinking (and feeling) around two core thematic currents in relation to visual practice, representation and culture, art and design practices.